Some systems are experiencing issues

Stickied Incidents

Friday 19th July 2024

Global - CrowdStrike Issues (3rd Party).

We are aware of a global issues effecting concerning the software "Crowd Strike" which is a 3rd security software.

Whilst there are still issues with external systems being impacted across the Globe, our systems have not been impacted by these issues.

We continue to monitor this situation closely.


Hosting UK Support Teams

Past Incidents

Wednesday 25th January 2023

Issue with mail deliverability

We are currently investigating the cause behind the issue with mail delays. We are aware that one of our IP addresses in use was blocked by an RBL, however, this has since been removed.

We believe most issues should now be resolved, however, as this appears to be an intermittent problem, it may be that some email delays may still occur.

We will provide a further update as soon as we have one.